I am so excited. The next Self-Care Wellness Fair is in THREE weeks, and I feel so blessed to be connected with so many individuals who are coming together to create a beautiful space of connection, restorative, and health.
These individuals who are donating their time and their gifts of service to our community are here to serve and support. As yoga and meditation instructors and energy workers in their various trainings, this group of humans can support health and wellbeing for our entire community. I feel so lucky to be a part of a grassroots movement that focuses on wellness and wholeness.
It is absolutely thrilling to be a part of.
Here is a short list of the individuals who have committing to be here and sharing their light with us on that day.
· Lorilyn Haubrich, Tahoe Rising and Meditation Center
· Erika Olivas-Walker, Aurora Heart Healing
· Tina Hines, Grassroots Yoga Center
· Priscilla Thomas, Grassroots Yoga Center
· Yukari Mateos, Grassroots Yoga Center and The Right Pick Health
· Tara Shek, Tara Shek Coaching
· Evelyn Grimes, Grassroots Yoga Center
· Michelle Brown, Starvn Art
· Elena Glenn, Grassroots Yoga Center
· Kim Ziegler, Grassroots Yoga Center
· Courtney Russell, Sage Health Care
· Logan Smith, Logan Smith Photo
· Jonathon Avila, Sierra Edge
Other Partnerships:
· Partnership Carson City
· The White House
So, we will be opening the schedule for registration on May 1st with our new software. I am so excited to shift into summer with so much light.
Stay tuned for more information.
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558487201870
Or on Instagram at @grassrootsyogacenter.com