Alright, everyone. Right now, I'm metaphorically in a child’s pose of life.
Sometimes, circumstances shake our stability. New demands or the general challenges of being human can disrupt our balance, making it hard to fit into what I call the “life asana.” Asana means pose, and I believe that our schedules and relationships are just postures we adopt to give our lives meaning and shape. When life changes, the pose we hold in our daily existence needs to shift as well.
Life can change for countless reasons. In physical practice, injuries or distractions—pleasant or otherwise—can unsettle our practice's foundation. When we lose our footing, we must return to the basics and start anew. This process of re-centering and humbling ourselves is an essential part of a yogi’s journey.
But oh, how the ego protests! When you’re an experienced yogi who thought you could handle life's metaphorical headstands and arm balances, it’s never pleasant to “regress” and return to the most fundamental of postures. The ego struggles with this kind of practice. As we find ourselves in a weaker, less confident position, our minds can churn with narratives trying to make sense of the new shape of our lives. The world continues to move, but we may feel completely immersed in our own struggle. So, we find stillness, breathe deeply, and prepare to “jump back in” when we’re ready.
Yet, I remind myself that child’s pose is not a regression or reversal. It is a holding pattern that allows us to regroup and return even stronger. This intentional pause lets us strengthen our practice through the lessons learned from obstacles and reflection. We come back stronger because we face overwhelm head-on rather than avoiding it. We stay on our mat, courageously confronting everything our heart, mind, and body have to teach us.
Child’s pose is a vital part of life, strengthened by the wisdom of yoga.
